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CPC/PI Committee


Adopt-a-Doc program: This is a recently initiated project. “Adopt-a-Doc” packets provide AA members the opportunity to present information about AA to their personal health care providers at the time of a regular appointment. The packets include suggestions to the AA member as to how to present the information, an introductory letter to the health care provider, information about how AA cooperates with the professional community, and examples of brochures that can be shared with patients who might have need and interest in AA. The letter to the health care provider includes a link to a recent Cochrane study by Harvard University that confirms scientific evidence that AA and other 12 step programs have success in treating alcohol addiction at a rate at least equivalent to or higher than other established treatments along with providing substantial cost savings for the health care system A sheet containing QR codes to link to the Online AA Newcomer Packet (available from our website), a link to allow downloading the AA Meeting Finder App, and a link to an updated “Where and When” listing of AA meetings in our western North Carolina region has been prepared to be included in the packet as well. Please request packets, present them to your meeting, and encourage members to consider participating in the distribution of this information to their health care provider. Please direct any requests for packets, questions about the program, or for any additional information to:

Library Project: We have provided copies of AA Big Books, 12 and 12’s, Living Sober, “Where and When” brochures, and other pamphlets about AA to all public libraries in our multi-county region. We will be following up with copies of the QR code sheets for permanent display.

Temporary Chips/Bookmarks for Meetings in Facilities: To assist people taking meetings into treatment centers, detention centers, sober living facilities, or other locations outside regular meeting locations, we have prepared a printable pdf sheet of bookmarks that serve as temporary chips as well as providing QR code links for an online newcomer packet, a link to download the Meeting Guide App, a link to the Area AA “Where and When”, and the AA HelpLine number. We will make this available on the district website, but you can contact us if you would like to file sent directly to you.

Local Group Involvement: Each GSR is asked to poll their group and seek out at least one volunteer to serve on our local PI/CPC Committee for the upcoming year. Interested persons can contact the CPC-PI Chair at

General Description

The two separate service committees are Cooperation with the Professional Community and Public Information. This liaison position reaches out within the greater Asheville area to provide information to the public and professional communities about Alcoholics Anonymous and alcoholism.

  • Visits schools, businesses, medical centers and community meetings to provide information about AA, in cooperation but not affiliation with other community agencies dealing with alcoholism
  • Oversees volunteers and promotes volunteer opportunities in carrying the AA message to the public and professional communities
  • Assist the media, when requested, by providing information about AA in strict accordance with the 12 Traditions and the district anonymity policy